Changing Perspectives

Since I started working for JUMP, I have noticed a significant shift in how I look at the world around me. Aside from building a more comprehensive understanding of venture capital and of business in general, I have also observed a spark in my fascination with entrepreneurship and innovation. I have always considered myself to be a curious individual – and my parents never fail to remind me of how many questions I would ask as a child. However, I think this inquisitive quality really took full form at JUMP. From sitting in on pitch meetings to developing the marketing plan for our app’s Kickstarter campaign, I was constantly challenging myself to think outside of the box.

Continuing my work for JUMP at U of M, I am noticing that this curiosity is growing even stronger. More and more I am finding myself looking at the things around me and asking, “how can this be improved?” or “what is this missing?”. Just the other day, my friend had old jeans laying out and asked if I wanted to cut them into shorts for him (apparently, jorts are coming back). Later that night, I started playing around with the remaining material and ripping apart the denim. Before I knew it, I had made bracelets and choker necklaces out of the jeans. My friend and I posted a picture on social media, wearing the amateur jewelry, and by the next morning I had received over 5 texts from various friends asking how much it would cost to buy one of the pieces. The business woman inside of me was ecstatic! I am not sure if I would have had this experience if it wasn’t for JUMP reigniting my entrepreneurial spirit, but I’d certainly like to think it had something to do with it.

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